Monday, September 29, 2008

The perilous adventures of Charlotte the Optus Wench - Part II

I'm going to keep this short and simple, for your sanity, mine and the overall health of this far too portable laptop.

Found out Friday (my mind full of heady expectation at the prospect of a phone that not only stays on for tracts of time but ALSO receives AND sends phone calls and messages in that pesky real-time thing) that the f***king device isn't coming till AT LEAST next Friday.

The reason(s) behind this I discover from Cindy (the one good about this saga is Optus' seeming ease in producing service assistants with wonderfully giggly names), who manages to inform me in a wonderfully demeaning and condascending way that i'm an idiot for assuming anyone I speak to to has any real idea whats going on. Better yet, the sooner I let go of this false ideology that people are employed for a reason, the better i'll feel about stupid things like being able to connect with the world. After reminding myself quietly that breathing IS an essential survival thing, I am semi-resolved to the fact that this is out of my control. Semi. Till next Friday at least.


Anonymous said...

When you say "far too portable laptop", I hope that doesn't mean you are using it on the toilet... :)

Bimyou said...

It was more a reference to the fact it may well end up external to the window if a handset doesn't materialise on Friday, but I see your point...