Thursday, March 26, 2009


Finally, this week, i'm beginning to feel the shackles of too much creative dormancy being ripped from their foundations. I sense there will be little sleep in the next little while and my brain is burning in anticipation. :)

Monday, Zaireeka, the first of Algae Rhythm's babies was unveiled amongst modest fanfare and much booze. Great, inspiring people, funky bathroom decor and some fabulous fudge all made for a great night. And the Zine, lets not forget the Zine! Big shout out to Bear and Alex for a fabulous little nugget that i'll cherish for a long while.

Today, I can again feel the creative sands shifting, some late night im'ing with Barry has turned into the foundations of an Algae Rhythm event and my head is awash with thoughts, sketches and very rusty Japanese characters. Colour me excited. *whip whip*

Some late night Ghibli browsing caused me to trip upon this in description of the aims of the museum:

"It is suffused with ideas and new challenges so that the exhibits do not get dusty or old, and that investments are made to realize that goal"

If only everything in life was modelled on such a simple premise.

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