Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I'd like to be above and beyond it all.

Or at the very least enveloped in an endless vacuum of words and sound.

This clip suits my mood right now. To quote Adam its all "dreamy and muddied and pretty like that".

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Buzz, Bzzzz

My head is jumping frantically between pounding and buzzing, my muscles alternating between pain and shakes.

My insides are basically a swimming pool but on the upside my kidneys arn't THAT sore to touch anymore.

All the words of the articles are starting to merge on the page, but alertness strangely piqued.

Oh detox, how I love you. :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


are coming. :)

Beta chewiness and shrill glee

The pads of my fingers are raw and my left hand now has this awesome bionic woman claw-like action. And a hint for the children out there, no matter how fun breaking strings SOUNDS, the inevitable whipping of the hands takes the glean off ever so much.

BUT even the burning sensation couldn't take away from the shrill glee of playing around in this beta playground last night. You heard me. SHRILL GLEE.
