Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010: The Year of the Bonsai

Let me start by saying I absolutely love Bonsai trees. Nothing to do with their size, or their alleged cuteness or the fact they're really quite incredible specimens to lose a few hours of your life just pleasantly staring at.

No, the real reason they fascinate me is to do with the people that tend to them and the mindset that sits below the surface of that. During the time I was living in Tokyo there was an old man who used to tend his Bonsai garden just around the corner from where I was living. I discovered him in the act whilst on a random ramble one day and subsequently was enamoured enough to try to spend at least a few moments each day trying to (covertly) spring him again. The intense focus, the care, the diligence, and most importantly the comfort with the langurous pace was intoxicating. It still is. But more on that a little later.


Moving onto the topic of everyone's musing in the post-ham (or prawn) interlude between Christmas and New Year, 2009 has been rather epic, even by my lofty standards of craziness. Without going into a full recap (or even a highlights package) of the insanity, suffice to say it has been packed full of some of the biggest bumps, challenges and dodecahedranal corners that I have ever had to negotiate in my somewhat short existence. Conversely however, it is largely due to these sharp edges that I have had the distinct pleasure of the blossoming of new relationships, the solidifying of old relationships, and the rediscovering of relationships that I had considered long since (absolutely and completely) dead. Those people know who they are and I sincerely hope they know that I cherish what they've given (and continue to give) me everyday.

Chatting to a few friends during this week and indeed the latter half of this year, the recurring theme seems to have been unexpected growth. Whilst nobody seems to have had a year of rainbows and leprechauns, never have I been more struck by genuine change in people, especially those I least expected it from. Watching it has been one of the most stimulating and exciting things i've ever had the pleasure to experience.

Next year, for me, i'm hoping for a fraction more measurable achievement and, more importantly, to build on the experiences and the lessons of this year(undoubtedly with yet more, crazy ones). If you happen to still be reading, i'm going dry from Jan 2 (given post midnight still counts as Jan 1) until I head off these shores in search of wild adventure in the jungles of Peru and Ecuador (March 23). I'm seeking not to make it a resolution, just something that's happening, a clean start and (as an added bonus) undoubtedly a financial windfall. And this brings us back to the bonsai, :).

Hands down one of my worst traits is not appreciating the value of time and ceasing the bounce for long enough to savour an experience. I know this is what fascinates me about bonsai and its something I want to understand better in 2010. So there, if you want a resolution, thats the one i'm hanging my hat on.

Anyhow, for a 'brief retrospective' this post has gotten rapidly out of control, :P. The inevitable hermitude that will result from the success of the goals will undoubtedly mean that this will the first of many that will ring in the new year. So I leave you with one of my favourite songs, which I hope will be a theme for next year. And in honour of it, and everything just mentioned, dear readers, I would love to know your favourite book line (bonus points if you read it to me), :).