Saturday, June 14, 2008


There was a definite lack of flinging and most certainly no flonging but we did manage to make a fairly decent showing of ourselves (involving some very nice post midnight Otis Redding danceathons, :)).

Cheers to Jimmy for so graciously supplying his house to compensate for our disasterously poor group organisational skills (damn creative types)...

In any case it all got a bit blurry a bit quickly, although i'm told there is a mass of photographic evidence due to the gathering of the aforementioned types of individuals (damn creative types!).

I await with trepidation...

1 comment:

Clare D-M said...

i saw the photos
so devastated to see what i could have seen in real life.
man, damn those creative types- they know how to keep it interestingo
lilith/bear/your friend clare :)