Monday, June 30, 2008


Starting boot camp tomorrow. Leaving the house at 5am. AND there is a thrilling fitness test to look forward to. AND, looking at the weather there is a high potential it will either rain or simply be f&*#ing freezing. I'm either addicted to cold, the pain or addiction itself. Or more than mildly insane. Probably a question best left unanswered...

In more absurdly mundane news, in the last couple of weeks have stared a new sleep routine. Working on the theory that if REM sleep kicks in at 1 1/2 hours, then sleep in batches of such amount will be somewhat sufficient for functionality. Has been working tremendously of so far, even if I might only be managing a couple of batches a night, oops. Wasn't the original point, but hey, you win some you lose some. :)

Went out on the weekend with KT, Kaitlyn and Lara, hit up Bada Bing at the Flinders, rollicked drunkenly down Oxford Street and finally ended up at Stonewall until the ugly lights put an all too soon dampener on proceedings. Twas a very good evening. Sunday however, I was brutally reminded of the fact that getting ollder = slower reaction time and more pain. Or else scat Sundays need an extra 12 hours or so...

Got a chance to get reacquainted with the Dylan and the Eels though so in the end, all tasty weekend goodness.

Oh she's got a dark side too,
even murderous
but I love her like that
just like her.

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